At Nature’s Balance Pest Control, we offer the best pest control solutions in the area for all types of pests. We’re experts when it comes to dealing with ground squirrels, which are also called potguts. Whether you’re located in Midway, Orem, Oakley, or a surrounding area, we can help you get a ground squirrel infestation under control.

Ground squirrels are a type of squirrel that burrow in the ground instead of making their home in trees. They’re medium-sized rodents but are capable of inflicting a lot of damage to your yard. If you notice multiple ground squirrels in your yard, contact us at Nature’s Balance to handle the issue. You should never attempt to get rid of rodents on your own, especially if you have an infestation. This can make the situation worse and put you in harm’s way. Instead, hire professionals. Our team of experts is equipped to handle any ground squirrel infestation and can properly treat your yard with our safe repellents and trapping options.

Signs You Have a Potgut Problem

If you’ve only noticed one or two ground squirrels, you may not have an infestation on your hands. However, if you’ve noticed any of these signs, you may have a bigger problem with potguts in your yard:

  • You’re finding small holes about two inches in diameter throughout your yard. These could be ground squirrel holes. There won’t be any mounds of excavated dirt near these holes.
  • If any of the ground in your yard has collapsed, it can be due to the extensive tunnels that potguts have dug in your yard.
  • Ground squirrels will cause damage to gardens and vegetation in your yard, eating grass, grains, nuts, fruits, and seedlings.
  • Look for damage to your irrigation. Potguts chew on sprinkler and irrigation lines.
  • While you may not notice the damage until it is too late, ground squirrels can dig tunnels under your home’s foundation that create serious foundation issues.

Why Choose Nature’s Balance for Ground Squirrel Removal?

If you’re noticing signs of a ground squirrel infestation, it’s time to call Nature’s Balance Pest Control. We’ll come inspect your yard for potguts. If you do have an infestation, we’ll explain your treatment options, which include trapping and repellents.

We’re a family-owned business. We invest our time to build relationships with our clients, so you can trust us to handle the job every time you have a critter or pest problem. Hire us for your potgut problem in Park City, Wallsburg, and surrounding areas. Contact us today to schedule a time for us to take care of your pests.


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